4.5 Calorimetry Heat exchange
- Heat capacity
- Specific heat capacity of solids and liquids
- Molar heat capacities of gases2.6 Sate Change of Matter Heat exchange
Heat capacity
Specific heat capacity of solids
and liquids
Molar heat capacities of gases
Determination of specific heat
capacities of solids by the
method of mixtures
Newton’s law of cooling
Determination of specific heat
capacities of a liquid by the
method of coolin2.5 past Papers Heat exchange
Heat capacity
Specific heat capacity of solids
and liquids
Molar heat capacities of gases
Determination of specific heat
capacities of solids by the
method of mixtures
Newton’s law of cooling
Determination of specific heat
capacities of a liquid by the
method of coolin2.6 Past Papers Heat exchange
Heat capacity
Specific heat capacity of solids
and liquids
Molar heat capacities of gases
Determination of specific heat
capacities of solids by the
method of mixtures
Newton’s law of cooling
Determination of specific heat
capacities of a liquid by the
method of coolinLive ClassesFree ClassEnded Live Classes
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